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Re\Center Magazine has three missions: First, it is a safe place to uplift and understand stories about Black, Indigenous, people of color, and historically marginalized groups. Second, it is a place where we evaluate the world, and understand the impact and crucial role these groups contribute to it. Third due to systemic racism, discrimination, and various forms of oppression, these groups are often the first to deal with societal problems. This includes climate change, inadequate healthcare, homelessness, lack of clean water, human labor, exploitation for resources, and more. Therefore, we are here to shed light on these issues and discuss a path for change. 


These three missions do not work in silos. They are interconnected, and unfortunately due to historical division in this country, we’re conditioned to experience life in a bubble. However, that is not how the world works.


"I am a firm believer in threading that needle

because it is the only way to

change the narrative as well as create real

change that is beneficial for our communities."



So, my hope is for those who want to learn more, Re\Center will be a haven to discover those pieces you have also lingered on. For those who had no idea about these connections, I hope you will stay a while and learn more. Censoring our communities is a grave decision, and benefits only those at the top. That is why it is my firm belief that magazines must continue to be a source of information, and it is crucial that publications comment on all of these topics. At Re\Center we are grateful to be able to hold space for discussion with you. 

- Re\Center



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