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Black Girlhood

By Alexis Shoats

Research done by the Georgetown Law Center on Poverty and Inequality released data and research that shows adults view Black girls as less innocent and view them as more adult-like than their white peers. This study is authored by Rebecca Epstein - Executive Director of the Center, Jamilia J. Blake - Associate Professor at Texas A&M University, and Thalia González - Associate Professor at Occidental College.

In my first few brainstorms for this issue, I knew I wanted to highlight the differences black girls face during childhood. Therefore, when I came across this study during my research I felt two emotions immediately. I felt somber and jubilant. Jubilant because finally this research exists, however somber because proof that black girlhood gets interrupted as early as age five is gut-wrenching. This research lays the groundwork and foundation for learning a few of the main ways black girlhood is viewed and how history has transformed what this experience looks like. Specifically this data dives into the adultification of black girls through societal institutions such as criminal justice and education. Therefore, perpetuating racism and misogyny that is rooted in slavery. 

There is so much more to discuss, so I encourage everyone to read and analyze this data for their understanding because we must eradicate this issue. 


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